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Gray helmet with goggles
Summer Rules
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Summer is here and there’s really no better time than now to get out and enjoy nature and your Intimidator UTV! With so many budget-friendly options, if you don’t own a side-by-side, or if you need an upgrade, you owe it to yourself to check out the unbelievable units Intimidator has rolled out this year! 

Once you are loaded up and ready to ride, here are a few riding rules that will help you make the most of your summertime UTV experience:


Believe it or not, wearing the right clothing and safety equipment can make all the difference when enjoying a sunny day on the trail. First off, short sleeves and shorts are a no-go! Your skin will not only be exposed to the damaging rays of the sun, but you can also be exposed to potential hazards the trail can bring. Choosing a breathable fabric like cotton or linen helps to combat overheating. Also consider wearing gloves, helmet, and goggles. Some goggles are tinted which will help protect you from UV rays. If you do wind up in a precarious situation where you experience an unplanned detour or tumble, realize that anything you can wear to protect your skin and your body can minimize injury, or even save your life. 


The temperature difference between sunny and shady areas is amazing. In the shade, you may feel 10-15 degrees cooler even though the temperature is the same in both areas. Shade feels cooler mainly because you are avoiding solar radiation. Applying sunscreen and riding in shady areas as much as possible will make it easier on you and on your UTV. 


Believe it or not, you usually sweat more than you realize it when you’re riding your Intimidator in the hot summer months. The loss of water and electrolytes can lead to major dehydration! Always bring enough water! As a rule of thumb, plan to bring a lot more than you think you need. Staying hydrated will help keep you focused and will cause you to be able to react more quickly to the demands of the trail. A great option is to wear a hands-free hydration system to where you can drink while you drive. 


Some trails can be extremely long and demanding. Regardless, you are constantly scanning for hazards, maneuvering your UTV left to right and up and down. If you don’t take frequent breaks you can lose focus and energy, causing your ride to be unenjoyable and potentially dangerous. Many riders also experience heat exhaustion. If so, your skin will get cold and clammy and your muscles will cramp. You can avoid all of this by taking the necessary breaks so your body can recover. 

Intimidator offers world-class, American-made, side-by-side 4x4 vehicles with unparalleled strength, power, and performance at an affordable price. We have dealers located throughout the country, ready and willing to assist you in purchasing the UTV that fits your needs. Conquer it all with an Intimidator UTV this year!

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